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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 33, No. 5 22 April 1970

Everyone wants a Cappicade

Everyone wants a Cappicade

Cappicade is set for record sales this year.

The Publications Board has approved the printing of 40,000 copies of the magazine and Cappicade Distribution Manager Con Anastasiou is fairly confident that most of the copies will be sold. 28,000 copies were printed last year and sales reached about 27,000—a very high proportion of the total number printed.

Cappicade itself looks like being highly controversial. Editor Roger Hall says that, while humour and satire have intruded themselves upon the magazine. Cappicade will this year be "essentially pornographic in character." Mr Hall says that smut has not been his sole concern, however. "We decided that if the magazine could not be 100% filth, we should make some attempt at provoking a national scandal. This we believe we have done with an investigative article on Karori which, I confidently expect, will halve land values in that area." Mr Hall has also, he says, livened up the list of graduands through the use of what he described as "miscellaneous devices."

Cappicade has been refused by four printers and at the time this edition of Salient went to print the Wanganui Chronicle Company, printers of Salient, seemed to be Cappicade's last hope. Sales have also been severely promoted by the action of a number of city, borough and county councils in banning sales. Mr Hall says that he expects that as many as fifty local authorities may ultimately agree that Cappicade should under no circumstances be sold to members of the East Coast and Bays Catholic Women's Guild.

Cappicade is set for record sales this year.