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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 18. 26th July 1973

Myths and Ignorance

Myths and Ignorance

Regular lunchtime meetings are intended. Already we have pooled resources with the Wellington Gay Liberation Front's Publicity and Education Cell. Fortnightly meetings are held at which a previously assigned subject is discussed. One individual volunteers to prepare a paper which serves as a basis for discussion, all members are requested tor read about the topic.

The purpose of this is simple we are concerned to educate ourselves so that we may in turn educate society. Gay people are tired of the myths and ignorance surrounding homosexuality. Above all Gay Lib wishes to present a responsible and informed image to those whom it goes out to meet — not simply a "this has happened to me or my friends" story. Objectivity is important.

Incidentally it may be of interest to note that according to Kinsey's figures, of all the males enrolled at Victoria; 160 will be exclusive homosexuals for their entire life; 320 will be exclusive for at least three years between 16—55 years; 400 will be predominately homo sexual for at least three years between 16—55 years of age, 520 will have more homosexual than heterosexual behaviour for at least three years between 16—55 years of age; 720 will have an equal proportion of homosexual and heterosexual behaviour for three years between 16-55 years; 1000 will have more than incidental homosexual experience or reaction over a similar three year period; 1200 will have incidental homosexual experience or reaction over a similar three year period; 2000 (i.e. only 50%) will never experience emotional or physical homosexual behaviour.

Unfortunately a similar estimate has not been prepared for women students.

Don't hide away if you are gay. Don't ignore our oppression if you are straight. For any person interested in learning more about Gay Liberation (VUW) telephone any one of the following persons: Rae: 555-292 p.m. onwards. Keep trying or leave a contact number. Robert: 40—475. Michael: 49—468. Now you are aware to some extent of what Gay Pride Week and Gay Liberation are about, please join us if you feel able!

Maori-inspired drawing