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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37, No. 6. April 10, 1974

Mindless Me

Mindless Me

Dear Sir,

My sympathies to the reporter of the MSA curry evening. To have it inferred that he is without a mind is not flattering. Yet I am finding it difficult to disagree with this charge. For Salient continues its mindless attack on Moral Re-Armament under the heading 'Christian Anticommunism' (March 27).

Why can't Salient give us the truth instead of digging up the old-hat criticisms and inaccuracies, e.g. 'the influence of MR's influential American bankers.' For the information of the writer, the Keswick referred to is in the UK and not the US.

It's hardly imaginative either to try to reform supposed anti-communism with anti-Moral Re-Armament.

I would like to see a greater number of positive articles in Salient. Newspaper should not only expose society's wrongs but report the hopeful changes that are occuring.


David Porteous