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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 37, Number 25. 25th September 1974

SPUC nicked

SPUC nicked

Dear Salient,

It is interesting to note the reaction of some people around varsity to the publicity given to the pro life march last Friday evening.

Salient's attitude, or rather your own as editor, is well known and needs no further comment.

However, there were also notices posted on alt the notice boards around university. Did you see any? You would have had to be quick to see most of them. It seem that as fast as they were put up, various students took the liberty of removing them again.

Their motives for this action, we can't really tell. The only ones that struck me are these:

Are these people completely intolerant of me views of others so that while demanding freedom to express their own views, they refuse the same liberty to their opponents?

Or possibly they were afraid that if too many students saw these notices, even more students would have turned out in support o( the pro life cause. It might be noted that many were there despite all attempts to quash publicity,

Oh, by the way, if you don't believe me that this happened, ask around, you will find several got caught in the act. I'll leave it up to your imagination to guess who they were. Hint, at least one is on the student exec.
