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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 16, July 12, 1976.

Record Reviewer Is Deaf

Record Reviewer Is Deaf

Dear Sir,

Concerning the review in Salient Vol.39 Number 19, July 5, 1976. of John Bowden On the record "Get Closer", by Seals and Crofts.

The intellectual inadaquacy of the reviewer amazes us. He is clearly devoid of the ability to think and express himself coherently. Although this is standard toilet paper material the writer has made a pitiful attempt to be original, but failed miserably.

The reviewer is unknown to us, but we have been informed by a mutual friend that he is deaf. This condition must surely retard his ability as a critic. The expository skill evidenced in this article has lead many co-readers known to us, to suggest Mr Bowden would have a promising future as editor to a school magazine (in this regard he is only surpassed by Salient's present editor).

One is left to the conclusion that the psuedo reviewer must be starting a lucrative second hand trade on records freely gained.

J.H.B. Humphreys

B.F. Norman

K.J. Smith

M.H. Verhaart

p. s. We would be appreciative if Salient would be printed on a softer texture of paper.