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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 17, July 19, 1976.

Sports Officer Thrush Criticised

Sports Officer Thrush Criticised

Dear Sir,

Having paid $46.50 as my fare down to Easter Tournament, and having been unable to go, I would like to ask Peter Thrush publically when I will be getting my long promised refund back. I understand and accept that there will be a deduction of 10%.

Every time I have asked at the office, I have been told that they are waiting on the railways.

I have been asking for eleven weeks. I suggest Mr Thrush gets his arse into gear and explains exactly where my money is, and what it is doing there. Last year people had refunds within two weeks of returning. I suggest that it is not the railways fault but Thrush's incompetence.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Bargh.