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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Assn. Volume 40 Number 12. May 30th 1977

[Letter from Ordinary Bloke to Salient Vol. 40 No. 12 May 30 1977]

Dear Salient,


So we are now paying our student president the princely sum of $60 a week — and about time too in my opinion.

It never ceases to fascinate me that the tinpot Muldoons on this campus were patently noticeable by their absence when this question was debated by the student body. Now they come crawling out of the woodwork with their whinging letters to Salient, and not having the intestinal fortitude to advocate wage cuts for our student leadership, they resort to rather pathetic personal abuse.

Unlike the majority of your leaders I remember the last time we gave the student president a raise. And every now and then I see the hard-done-by types who raved and ranted against the decision then driving down Plunket Street from their nice homes in Karori on the way to their cushy Jobs in the city. There's one thing that hasn't changed, however. These types are still screaming for wage cuts — for everyone but themselves.

Ordinary Bloke