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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 5

Article VI.—Executive Functions of Officers and Leaders

Article VI.—Executive Functions of Officers and Leaders.

Sec. 1.—The Conductor, the Guardian, and the Librarian shall constitute an Executive Board. They shall have charge and custody of the personal and real property of the Association. They may transact business in the name of the "Children's Progressive Lyceum," and in behalf thereof, but subject to the investigation and approval of a majority of the Officers and Leaders of the Association.

Sec. 2.—The Executive and the Assistant Officers, the Band of Guards, and the Leaders of the Groups, shall constitute a Board of Managers, and a majority of them present at the regularly-called meetings shall be a quorum. They shall have power to nominate and fill vacancies, and may adopt rules and enact bye-laws for the government of the Groups, and for the regulation of the temporalities of the Association.