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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 8

Returns from Subordinates

Returns from Subordinates.

The annual reports from Encampments and Lodges under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States, have generally been transmitted with commendable promptness. It will be seen, however, by referring to the correspondence and the tables accompanying this report, that Arizona Lodge, No. 1, at Prescott, Arizona; Thomas Wildey Lodge, No. 1, London, England; North Star Lodge, No. 2, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Southern Watch Encampment, No. 1, Valparaiso, Chile; Anglo-American Encampment, No. 1. London, England; Milicete Encampment, No. 11, St. John, N. B.; Harmony Encampment, No. 1, Winnipeg, Manitoba, have failed to report.