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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 9

Scope of the Harmonial Philosophy

Scope of the Harmonial Philosophy.

Our philosophy comprises not only the spiritual but the pysical, intellectual, moral and social condition of the human race in this the birth-sphere of their existence, and preparation to enter with advantage into the succeeding stages of being in the after-life. It embraes The Science of Man, The Science of the Universe, The 8cience of a Pure and Lovely Religion. In its universality it is apart from human authority, however learned, and from hero worship, however siblime. Tradition and the records of old opinions may corroborate our views but cannot give the sanction of proof. That rests with ourselves and within the compass of our natural powers. Our God is the supreme and infinite life of universal nature, our knowledge of him is derived from fixed and universal laws, demonstrated as humanity advances; our religion, our morals and our social relations must be alike based on science; and our faith must be the result of our real knowledge. To extend our faith beyond our knowledge is presumption, and in a knowledge of the principles which govern all life are we to find our road to complete happiness.