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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 13

Case V.—Specimens of the Earliest Productions of the Printing Press in Germany and the Low Countries

Case V.—Specimens of the Earliest Productions of the Printing Press in Germany and the Low Countries.

1.Schwartz. Stella Meschiah. In German and Hebrew.—Printed at Esslingen, in Suabia, by Conrad Feyner, in 1477. With woodcut of three Christians conversing with three Jews. Described in Ædes Althorp. ii. 261. From the library of King George III.
2.Mamotrectus, seu expositio vocabulorum quæ in Bibliis, &c., occurrunt.—Printed at Beromünster (Ergoviæ), now Munster, in Lucerne, in 1470. The first book printed in Switzerland. From the library of King George III.
3.Leonardi Aretini Comedia: Gracchus et Poliscena.—Printed in the Monastery of Schussenried ("In Monasterio Sortensi"), in the diocese of Constance, on the confines of Suabia and Switzerland, 1478. Bequeathed by the Rev. C. M. Cracherode.
4.Le Roman de Fierabras.—Printed at Geneva, in Switzer- page 10 land, by Maistre Loys Garbin, in 1483.—From the library of King George III.
5.Pontanus de Roma. Singularia in causis criminalibus.—Printed in the Low Countries about 1470. Described in Ædes Altliorp. ii. 237; and Bibliog. Decameron, i. 359. From the old royal collection.
6.La Controversie de Noblesse. A translation of a Latin work of Bonus Accursius, by J. Mielot.—Printed at Bruges, by Colard Mansion, about 1475. Purchased in 1850.
7.St. Bonaventura. Sermones de Tempore et de Sanctis.—Printed at Zwoll, in Overyssel, Netherlands, in 1479. Archbishop Cranmer's copy. The first book printed at Zwoll. From the old royal collection.
8.Reynaert die Vos.—Printed at Gouda, in South Holland, by Gerard Leeu, in 1479. The first edition of Reynard the Fox in any language. Bequeathed by the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville.
9.Dyalogus creaturarü.—Printed at Gouda, by Gerard Leew, in 1480. With woodcuts. The first edition of this work. Bequeathed by the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville.
10.Otto von Passau. De boec des Gulden Throens, of der xxiiii ouden.—Printed at Haarlem, in 1484. Purchased in 1846.
11.Boethius. De Consolatione Philosophiæ. In Latin and Dutch.—Printed at Ghent by Arend de Keysere in 1485. From the library of King George III.
12.Cronycles of the Reame of Englond.—Printed at Antwerp by Gerard Leew in 1493. Bequeathed by the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville
13.Decretum Gratiani.—Printed at Strasburg by Heinrich Eggesteyn, in 1471. The first book printed at Strasburg with a date. This copy was given by Eggesteyn himself to the Monastery of St. Mary, near Strasburg. Described in Bernard, Origine de I'Imprimerie, ii. p. 99. From the library of King George III.