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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15


Meeting of Standing Committee, 15th July, 1878.

Present: G.M. McGaw (in the chair), D.G.M. Wheeler, G.M. Braithwaite, and G. Sec. Reid.

Letter read from Rangitikei Lodge, expressing the opinion of the members that the Lodge should wind up, owing to paucity of members and irregularity of attendance,

Resolved—"That G. Sec. reply, urging upon the members the desirability of using the most strenuous exertions to keep the Lodge in existence, and that if they do dissolve, the regalia be returned to the Grand Lodge, as well as the half of the real ana personal property, the other moiety to be divided among the financial members.

page 9

Resolved—" That G. Sec. write to W. E. Watt, asking that a statement of account between Marton Lodge and Grand Lodge be at once sent, accompanied by remittance, charter, regalia, books, &c."