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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

[details of the Fifth Sitting]

Officers present—M.W.G.M. Jas. M'Gaw, G.W. P.G.M. J. Braithwaite, G.S. Wm. Reid, G.T. James Alexander.

Representatives present—J. D. Teague, C. Lezard, R. Clifford, Jas. Iles, T. E. Price, John Boyd, Jas. Richardson.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Proposed by Bro. C. Lezard, seconded by P.G.M. Braithwaite—

"That a District Deputy Grand Master and District Committee be appointed for Christchureh, the Northern District to be bounded on the north by the Hurunui, and on the south by the Rangitata River."—Carried.

Proposed by Bro. Price, seconded by Bro. Boyd—" That this Grand Lodge provide suitable forms to all subordinate Lodges for credentials of Grand Lodge Representatives, one of which, properly signed, and sealed with the Lodge seal, shall be supplied to each of the Representatives elected for presentation at the Grand Lodge."

Amendment proposed by Bro. Alexander, seconded by Bro. Richardson—" That the Grand Secretary instruct Lodge Secretaries to furnish each Representative with credentials under the Lodge seal."

Amendment carried.

The following question was submitted by P.G.M. J. Braithwaite:—"Is the following resolution, passed by the Grand Lodge at its last session, law or not—viz., 'That the travelling faro (if any) incurred by the members of the Grand Lodge Executive in attending annual moveable sessions of the Grand Lodge, be paid by the Grand Lodge' "?

The Grand Master replied, "No."

Bro. Braithwaite appealed, and on the Grand Master putting the question, "Does the Grand Lodge support the ruling of the chair?" the reply was in the negative.

Proposed by Bro. Richardson, seconded by Bro. Boyd—"That the Grand Lodge Executive ask the Star of Canterbury Lodge to send in their account for rent."—Carried.

page 20

Notice of amendment to Constitution:—

By Bro. Lezard—" That all District Deputy Grand Masters sit in and at all meetings of all Grand Lodge Sessions ex officio, and vote on all proceedings."