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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Report of the Theological Hall Committee

Report of the Theological Hall Committee.

Your Committee report that in accordance with the instructions of the last Synod, they have purchased a residence and two sections for Professor Salmond in Leith street, near the new University Buildings, at a cost of £1,900. On the recommendation of a sub-committee, consisting of Messrs It. A. Lawson and John Reid, £120 additional were expended on outhouses and necessary improvements. They believe that a further outlay of £30 will meet the cost of fencing.

page 18

They report that the Lang Scholarship held by Cameron has expired by effluxion of time. They have pleasure in stating that throughout his undergraduate course, he took a very honourable place in all his classes. Your Committee, on the recommendation of the Examining Committee, awarded a Scholarship to Wright, of the annual value of £30, and another to Hutson, of the annual value of £25. The former is provided by the Presbytery of Dunedin, and the latter by the Presbytery of Oamaru—each tenable for three years.

Prof. Salmond and Rev. M. Watt, tutor, discharged their duties with the utmost diligence. The course of lectures on the Inspiration of the Scriptures by Professor Salmond was well attended throughout, and highly appreciated. They trust that these lectures, which have rendered good service to religion, will be resumed next winter.

The Committee learn from a memo, from the General Treasurer, that the current annual expenditure in connection with the Theological College is at present some £50 in excess of the ordinary revenue, without taking into account possible contingencies. The purchase of the residence, and the improvements which were necessary, have left the Committee burdened with a debt of £600, on which they are paying at the rate of 8 per cent. In order to remove this debt, the Committee are unanimous in applying to the Synod for a vote from the Ecclesiastical Fund of £600, in aid of the Theological Hall. The Committee recommend, with a view of increasing the capital of the Lang Scholarship, which now stands at £244 10s. 2d., that the said Scholarship be not offered to competition for three .years. They are sanguine of a favourable consideration of the application, on the ground that the residence is to all intents and purposes a manse, and that the site is sufficient for accommodation for students, in accordance with the design of the Synod. The property is invested in the name of the Church Board of Property.

The Committee agreed to ask the Synod to recommend the Presbyteries of Clutha and Southland to follow the example of those of Dunedin and Oamaru, and provide each a Scholarship for the undergraduate course in the University.

Wm. Johnstone, Convener.

Deliverance on Report of Theological Hall Committee.—Adopt the report, and thank the Committee and its convener. Express its gratification that a residence has been obtained for the Professor suitable in all respects, with sufficient ground for lecture rooms and dormitories for students when these become necessary. Authorise a vote from the Ecclesiastical Fund for £600 as a grant in aid of the Theological Hall, in accordance with Regulation 2, passed in 1876. Record thanks to Professor Salmond for the valuable course of lectures he delivered last winter. Further express the strong hope that the Presbyteries of Clutha and Southland may see their way to contribute two scholarships for competition by students entering on their undergraduate course with a view to the ministry of our Church. And further sanction the proposal anent the Lang Scholarship Fund.