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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

General Statement

General Statement.

The total contributions by the several Congregations of the Church for the year 1877, as reported to the General Treasurer, and as detailed in the General Statement, amounted to £24,506 14s. 2d., being £2991 9s. 9d. less than was contributed in 1876. The falling off is mainly in the Building Fund. In 1876, Knox Church, North Dunedin, Oamaru, Palmerston, Balclutha, and Invercargill (second charge), all returned largo sums; the decrease in this item alone is £2552 11s. 8d. There is a decrease in five other items. Ordinary collections, £453 1s. 6d.; Seat Bents, £124 18s. 3d.; Missions, £89 2s. 2d.; Day Spring Fund, £50 15s. 11d.; Miscellaneous, £133 7s. 7d. In four of the schemes of the Church, there is an page 27 increase of £546 13s. 6d. Namely, Sustentation Fund, £40 6s. 1d. Church Extension, £103 5s. 7d.; Aged and Infirm Minister's Fund, £52 16s. 10d.; and, in special collections, £350 5s.

Though there has been a considerable falling off in a few of the schemes of the Church, your Committee see no cause for alarm. The-past year has been an eventful one in many respects. The calls for various charities have been many and urgent. The Church Membership is increasing, and, with the increase of Members, your Committee would express the hope that there will be a large increase of zeal and earnestness in the work of the Church, and tending towards a better organisation in its business department.

Your Committee desires to record its thanks to Miss Muir and others who have kindly contributed to the Sustentation and other funds.

In conclusion, your Committee also desires to bear testimony to the business-like and careful manner in which the several accounts of the Church have been presented by the Goneral Treasurer.

N. Y. A. Wales, Convener.

Deliverance on Report of Finance Committee.—Adopt the report; approve of the diligence of the Committee; record the thanks of the Synod to the Committee, and especially to the convener. Express their satisfaction with the manner in which the report has been prepared, as well as with the state of accounts forwarded by the General Treasurer, and record their thanks to him for the accuracy and fidelity with which he has fulfilled the duties entrusted to him. Further, the Synod direct the attention of Deacon's Court to the propriety of greater diligence in filling up the required returns and making the collec-lections enjoined by the Synod.