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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Session VIII

page 13

Session VIII.

First Church, Dunedin, 14th January, 1878.

The Synod met and was constituted. The Moderator in the chair.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Minutes read.

Letter signed by Mr Jago was read by the Moderator,

Deputation from Total Abstinence Organisations

intimating that with the consent of the Synod a deputation from the several Total Abstinence organisations in the city were desirous of presenting an address to the Synod. It was agreed to postpone the consideration of the report on Temperance till the evening sederunt of to-morrow, and to intimate to Mr Jago that the deputation would then be received.

Report of Committee on Church Erection and Property was given in and read by Dr. Copland, convener.

Attention having been called to the grant in aid of church building at Port Molyneux, it was resolved that it

Grant to Port Molyneux.

be now paid in full if the funds will permit.
In reference to application from Otepopo, and to which allusion is made in the report, it was moved and

Grant to Otepopo.

seconded that the application be granted, and that the accommodation afforded by the vestry be reckoned as church sittings. It was also moved and seconded that the application not being in terms of Regulation 4, which specifies that the sittings that rule the grant are within the Church, be not granted. A vote having been taken, there voted for the amendment 4, and for the motion 27. It was thereafter agreed to adopt a deliverance on the report. (See

Deliverance report.

Report of Committee on Psalmody having been called for, was given in and read by Mr Waters, convener.

Report on Psalmody.

After consideration a deliverance was adopted. (See Appendix.)

Adjourned to meet in this place this evening at 7 o'clock. Closed with prayer.