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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Report of Committee Appointed to Confer With Mr Connor

page 30

Report of Committee Appointed to Confer With Mr Connor,

First Church, Dunedin,

The Committee of Synod appointed to confer with Mr Connor met, and was constituted with prayer: sederunt—Rev. Mr Will, convener, in the chair, Revs. Dr Stuart, Messrs Johnstone, Paterson, Chisholm, Christie, and Mackie, ministers; and Messrs Fitzgerald, Rennie, Bethune, Runeiman, and Brown, elders.

The Rev. Mr Connor was present.

A lengthened conversation took place on the whole subject, in which Mr Connor freely took .part, giving explanation and information. Thereafter, all the members of Committee-present were called on in succession to express their mind as to the course they would recommend Mr Connor to pursue in the circumstances in which he is at present placed, and without exception they gave it as their opinion that Mr Connor ought to resign his position as minister of Popotunoa.

Mr Connor requested that time should be given to him to think over the recommendation of the members of Committee; and it was agreed to meet with Mr Connor to-morrow (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'clock, to receive his answer.

The meeting was closed with prayer.

William Will, Convener.