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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Trade Statistics of Port of Dunedin

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Trade Statistics of Port of Dunedin.

Comparative Table of Imports and Revenue from Customs at the Port of Dunedin, for the Years ending 30th September, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, and 1875, and the Years ending 31st March, 1876,1877, 1878, and 1879.

£ S. D.
Year ending 30th September, 1871 1,171,991 0 0
Year ending 30th September, 1872 1,565,852 17 1
Year ending 30th September, 1873 1,968,298 0 0
Year ending 30th September, 1874 2,628,071 0 0
Year ending 30th September, 1875 2,627,178 0 0
Year ending 31st March, 1875 2,478,375 0 0
Year ending 31st March, 1877 1,916,468 0 0
Year ending 31st March, 1878 2,428,257 0 0
Year ending 31st March, 1879 2,713,594 0 0
Increase 1871-1872 over 1870-1871 393,861 17 1
Increase 1872-1873 over 1871-1872 402,437 2 11
Increase 1873-1874 over 1872-1873 659,773 0 0
Decrease 1874-1874 from 1873-1874 893 0 0
Decrease, Year ending 31st March, 1876, from year ending 30th September, 1875 148,803 0 9
Decrease for year ending 31st March, 1877 561,907 0 0
Increase for year ending 31st March, 1878 511,789 0 0
Increase for year ending 31st March, 1879 285,337 0 0
Customs Revenue.
Year ending 30th September, 1868 205.469 8 5
Year ending 30th September, 1869 208,048 18 3
Year ending 30th September, 1870 201,086 4 1
Year ending 30th September, 1871 192,536 14 5
Year ending 30th September, 1872 215,415 11 10
Year ending 30th September, 1873 255,900 2 2
Year ending 30th September, 1874 360,593 0 1
Year ending 30th September, 1875 353,773 14 8
Year ending 31st March, 1876 361,474 9 7
Year ending 31st March, 1877 336,781 3 10
Year ending 31st March, 1878 369,410 15 2
Year ending 31st March, 1879 369,730 12 11

Comparative Tables showing the values of the principal items of Import at the Port of Dunedin for the years ending 31st March, 1877, 1878, and 1879.

(A.)—Imports of Soft Goods.
Year ending 31st March, 1877. Year ending 31st March, 1878. Year ending 31st March, 1879.
£ £ £
Apparel 6,325 15,503 13,025
Blankets 5,456 10,321 10,885
Carpeting 8,540 13,844 18,318
Cottons 673 1,563 78,859
Drapery, Hosiery, and Haberdashery 368,454 592,180 436,144
Hats and Caps 13,302 28,390 23,092
Linens 120 490 697
Mats and Rugs 1,348 1,815 2,151
Matting 1,711 2,839 2,947
Millinery 1,966 1,890 847
Oil Cloth 2,361 5,857 8,030
Scrim 4,040 4,437 3,827
Silks 11,051 8,280 7,185
Woollens 1,930 1,558 10,885
421,821 688,967 606,007

Note.—So many articles arc entered at the Customs under the general head of Drapery that the figures under the other headings arc misleading.

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(B.)—Imports of Iron, Ironmongery, Hardware, &c.
Year ending 31st March, 1876. Year ending 31st March, 1877. Year ending 31st March, 1878. Year ending 31st March, 1879.
£ £ £ £
Brass and Brass Ware 660 1,393 1,969 2,661
Chain 1,053 266 147 827
Copper & Copper Ware 2,626 3,007 2,862 4,344
Cutlery 4,320 2,070 2,971 3,235
Grindery 5,272 4,526 9,213 8,406
Hardware, Ironmon gery & Hollow-ware 95,264 70,696 57,887 84,434
Iron, Bar and Rod 41,051 18, 108 16,513 35,051
Iron, Fencing 27,489 9,096 23,293 21,931
Iron, Galvanized 71,005 26,116 50,677 52,148
Iron, Hoop 2,352 826 1,917 2,253
Iron, Pig 7,877 2,437 2,596 6,127
Iron, Sheet 2,262 2,023 1,927 4,881
Iron, other than the above, and Steel 7,570 10,856 * 9,329 *7,265
Lead Pipes 707 223 156 337
Lead, Sheet 7,101 5,153 2,535 7,387
Lead, Pig 927 956 1,794 2,291
Nails and Screws 8,278 6,855 9,619 8,642
Pumps 838 533 346 1,073
Tin, Block 326 237 519 959
Tin, Sheet 758 2559 2,191 4,336
Tinware 549 322 320 721
Zinc 2,732 1,076 2,096 2,239
291,017 169,334 200,877 261,548
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(C.)—Articles on Which The Importation Has Recently Increased.
Description. Year ending 31st March, 1877. Year ending 31st March, 1878. Year ending 31st March, 1879.
£ £ £
Agricultural Implements 3,724 6,262 11,826
Beer, Bottled 15,240 16,305 17,260
Bags and Sacks 20,385 24,165 47,971
Bark 4,310 5,198 7,378
Blasting Powder 5,940 3,665 3,864
Blacking and Blacklead 1,391 990 1,335
Butter 14 13 756
Carriages and Carts 1,993 1,757 2,869
Carriage Material 4,186 3,013 5,182
Cement 17.138 15,960 18,166
Coals 49,529 57,561 58,195
Canvas 6,742 7,320 11,585
Cordage 4,329 5,838 6,762
Fish 11,250 15,324 15,780
Furniture 17,392 20,075 30,258
Fruit, Green 11,707 12,506 17,844
Fancy Goods 33,365 32,424 36,585
Jewellery 53,715 26,547 48,805
Leather 13,313 20,501 27,112
Molasses and Treacle 1,078 1,149 1,454
Musical Instruments 12,979 13,221 20,265
Machinery 41,358 35,630 70,678
Oil, Linseed 3,786 6,033 6,955
Oil, Kerosene 14,451 18,658 19,530
Paints and Colours 8,120 11,580 13.882
Paper-hanging and Wrapping 7,007 7,789 7,942
Plate 831 853 1,149
Printing Material 1,941 3,293 3,781
Quicksilver 692 261 343
Resin 139 223 427
Rice 16,061 16,443 23,839
Saddlery and Harness 14,599 11,946 23,589
Salt 2,430 2,280 3,017
Seeds, Grass 11,034 9,521 13,350
Seeds, other than grass 3,538 2,397 2,762
Soap 480 684 785
Spirits, Whisky 21,719 25,101 25,147
Spirits, Geneva 6,573 4,198 5,794
Spirits, Gin 949 882 1,767
Stationery 18,326 20,867 21,900
Timber 28,600 25,933 36,080
Tobacco 43,210 31,747 37,475
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(D.)—.Articles on Which The Importation Has Recently Fallen off.
Description. Year ending 31st March, 1877. Year ending 31st March, 1878. Year ending 31st March, 1879.
£ £ £
Alkalies 3,344 5,437 4,505
Beer, Bulk 3,116 4,502 3,534
Books, Printed 29,691 52,582 45,549
Boots and Shoes 52,457 92,420 90,710
Brush ware 4,337 5,536 4,689
China and Parian Ware 4,193 5,383 4,237
Cigars 11,973 12,481 9,616
Candles 16,178 26,391 17,241
Cocoa 2,566 4,789 4,576
Coke 962 1,299 910
Confectionery 6,549 8,042 6,345
Coffee 6,821 5,774 4,931
Corks 4,020 2,393 2,239
Drugs 20,760 19,347 17,658
Druggists' Sundries 15.080 13,980 12,062
Earthenware and Stoneware 13,737 16,151 13,000
Fruit, Dried 11,461 19,365 11,164
Fruit, Bottled and Preserved 657 636 617
Glass, Window 6,398 7,926 5,674
Plate 830 4,358 2,827
Bottles 3,070 3,209 2,600
Hops 12,440 8,124 6,715
Lamps and Lanterns 4,411 6,739 5.104
Matches 8,250 21,551 7,847
Nuts and Almonds 1,829 2,055 1,292
Oil, Olive 1,421 2,085 1,686
Colza 1,545 3,322 2,738
Various 4,742 6,606 3,077
Oilmens' Stores 13,692 20,295 20.011
Opium 7,624 7,875 5,498
Paintings and Engravings 2.724 3,047 2,963
Paper Bags 2,105 3,647 1,098
Paper Printing 11,038 13,479 11,719
Pepper 1,669 1,294 572
Railway Materials 36,596 31,965 13,016
slates 2,137 3,908 2,894
Spices .. 1,540 1,587 1,303
Spirits, Brandy 37,308 39,882 30,875
Rum 1,802 2,849 1,306
Perfumed 2,115 2,650 2,079
Other Kinds 1,492 1,265 478
Starch and Blue 2,836 3,017 2,598
Sugar 96;435 151,169 121,622
Tea 45,251 76,013 71,860
Turpentine and Varnish 4,409 6,183 4,410
Twine 2,132 3,421 3,220
Vinegar 2,229 3,235 1,787
Wine 26,512 30,652 27,099
Woodware 4,213 2,665 2,302
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Comparative Table showing the value of the principal items of Export at the Port of Dunedin for the years ending 31st March, 1877, 1878, and 1879.

Year ending 31st March, 1877. Year ending 31st March, 1878. Year ending 31st March, 1879.
£ £ £
Barley 410 2,511 982
Barley, Pearl 961 913 380
Bones 58 23 61
Beer, Bulk 70 275
Building Stone 820 450
Flax, N.Z. 969 41
Flour 5,364 5,034
Fungus 1,620 30
Glue 30 35 3
Gold 343,922 377,933 384,100
Grass Seed 947 41 45
Hides 1,523 497
Leather 787 359 1,377
Meats, Preserved 7,804 23,408 41,006
Oatmeal 3,191 3,286 6,936
Oats 25,666 8,583 16,108
Rags 302 349 142
Sheep 15 655 625
Seal 2,080 1,510 930
Rabbit 1,893
Tallow 17,747 21,212 5,222
Whalebone 20
Whale Oil and Fish Oil 1,600 423 4,441
Wheat 34,015 30,797 71,546
Wool 1,069,788 1,042,008 885,689
Total Exports for same Periods 1,509,952 1,603,752 1,532,658
The quantities of Wool and Gold exported are as follows:—
1876. 1877. 1878. 1879.
Wool 17,378,266lbs. 19,115,667lbs, 18,641,729lbs. 16,918,783lbs.
Gold 122,306ozs. 86,025ozs. 94,323ozs. 96,206ozs.
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Comparative Table of the Quantities of Spirits, Tea, and Sugar delivered out of Bond.

Year ending 31st March, 1876. Year ending 31st March, 1877. Year ending 31st March, 1878. Year ending 31st March, 1879.
Spirits Gals. Gals. Gals. Gals.
Brandy 66,802 64,081 55.286 52,230
Geneva 12,781 19,904 19,780 20,756
Gin 2,912 2,879 2,605 2,737
Rum 9,617 9,185 8,665 9,262
Whisky 45,754 48,122 55,246 67,158
Colonial Manufactured 27,576 17,016 11,562 7,821
Totals 165,442 161,187 152,144 159,964
lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
Tea 774,816 846,552 820,261 872,270
Sugar 7,537,185 7,403,172 7,212,464 7,980,784

Comparative Table showing the Customs Revenue collected at the Port of Dunedin for the Four Years ending 31st March, 1879.

Year ending: 31st March, 1876. Year ending 31st March, 1877. Year ending 31st March, 1878. Year ending 31st March, 1789.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
Quarter ending June 30th 84,562 15 1 83:393 7 5 92,527 14 4 79,338 9 10
Quarter ending Sept. 30th 85,363 11 6 84,006 7 4 89,277 18 9 105,885 0 10
Quarter ending Dec. 31st 91.730 8 6 84,776 11 6 85,316 10 3 84,344 8 7
Quarter ending March 31st 99,817 14 6 84,599 17 7 101,788 11 10 100,162 13 8
Totals 361,474 9 7 336,781 8 10 369,410 15 2 369,730 12 11

* Also Iron Rails and Railway Ironwork, 1878, £24,443, and 1879, £13,016, included in Table D, under heading "Railway Materials."