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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 22

Section IX.—General Meetings

Section IX.—General Meetings.

1.—No general meeting of the Fellows shall be competent to enter on any business unless eleven or more Fellows be present.

2.—The President shall be the Chairman at all general meetings; or, in case of his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents; or, in case of their absence, one of the Members of the Council; or, in case of the absence of all the Members of the Council, a Fellow to be appointed for the occasion by the meeting.

3.—The Chairman is required to keep order and check irregularity in the proceedings of the meeting: to state every question, on putting it to the vote, according to the true intent of the proposer and seconder: to declare truly to the meeting how, according to the best of his judgment, every question has been decided: to see that minutes are taken of the proceedings of the meeting during their progress; and when the minutes of the former meeting have been read, and, if found accurate, confirmed, to certify such confirmation, by subscribing to the minutes his signature.

4.—The ordinary method of voting shall be by show of hands; but a ballot page 14 shall be taken in cases prescribed by the Charter or Bye-Laws, or when demanded by any Fellow present.

5.—No show of hands or ballot shall decide a question, unless eleven or more Fellows actually vote.

6.—The decision of the majority of the Fellows voting at a meeting shall be considered as the decision of such Meeting; and an absolute majority shall suffice, exception cases specially designated by the Charter or Bye-Laws*.

7.—The Chairman shall not vote when the voting is by show of hands; but he may vote when the voting is by ballot; provided that when the votes on either side shall be equal, except in cases specially designated by the Charter or Bye-Laws, he shall give a casting-vote.

8.—In all cases of ballot the Chairman shall examine the drawers of the balloting-box publicly; and in case either of a show of hands, or of a ballot, if it shall appear doubtful to him, or to any fellow present, on which side the majority lies, he shall count aloud the votes or balls.

9.—The voting upon any question, except it be one of adjournment, or of the election of a Candidate, shall, on the demand of a proposer and seconder, be deferred to a subsequent general meeting.

10.—If the question of adjournment has been put and carried, an adjournment may be made of any general meeting; but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than such as was proposed to have been transacted at the meeting from which the adjournment was made.

11.—Minutes of the proceedings of every general meeting shall be taken, during their progress, by one of the Secretaries, or, in case of the absence of the Secretaries, by some Fellow, whom the Chairman of the meeting shall appoint for the occasion. The minutes shall afterwards be fairly copied into a minute-book, and at the next meeting shall be read aloud by one of the Secretaries for confirmation.

12.—The minute-book of the Council shall lie upon the table at every general meeting, and extracts therefrom shall be read to the meeting on the requisition of any Fellow.

13.—The general meetings to be held by the Society shall be of three kinds:—1. Annual; 2. Special; 3. Ordinary.

* In ease of the Election of a Fellow, Foreign Member, or Foreign Correspondent; and, contingently, in certain cases of the Election of the Council and Officers.