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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 27

The Royal Society of Victoria

The Royal Society of Victoria.

The ordinary meeting of this society was held on the 20th April, Mr. R. L. J. Ellery, the President, in the chair. A number of new members were elected.

Mr. James Stirling read a paper on "The Phanerogamia of the Mitta Mitta District," in which, he gave an interesting description of flora found in that neighbourhood.

A paper was read by Mr. W. W. Culcheth, C.E., on "Notes on Irrigation," which occasioned some discussion, in the course of which, Mr. Kernot expressed a doubt whether successful irrigation was not impracticable in this country, on account of the high price of labor. Mr. Culcheth said, he thought, the labor difficulty might be overcome, and he knew of no conditions which would render an irrigation scheme impracticable here.