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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 27

Objects of the Scheme

Objects of the Scheme.

The main objects of this scheme are to attract population and capital to develop the resources of these Australasian colonies by making the European, and more especially the British, public acquainted with the opportunities which exist here both for settlement and for investment. Other objects are to extend the markets for our frozen food and wine, by overcoming the prejudice now entertained by European consumers; to show the mother-country a faithful representation of the work accomplished in Australasia by her sons, and the opportunities which still exist here for Englishmen to improve their condition without losing their nationality; and to draw closer the ties which should bind these sister colonies together by presenting the first model of a Federal Australasian Government, and arousing a national Australasian patriotism, which shall have its foundation in our attachment to the mother country.