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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 29

Threshing Machines Bill

Threshing Machines Bill.

—On the motion for going into committee on Mr. Chaplin's Bill on this subject in the House of Commons on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Biggar, the Home-rule member for Cavin, opposed the motion, suggesting that it would be better to bring in a general Act, applicable to all kinds of machinery. The hon. member, adopting a course which he laid down for himself at the beginning of the session of opposing all Bills that had not another opponent, rose at a quarter past fire and continued until a quarter to six, when, according to the regulations of the House, opposed business cannot be proceeded with. The Bill was in this manner "talked out, and becomes a lapsed order for the time being, but will, of course, resume a place on the Paper for future consideration.