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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 29

(Reply to D.)

(Reply to D.)

Office of the Grand Master I.O.O.F., Dunedin, New Zealand, James L. Ridgely, Esq., G.C. and Rec. Secy., G.L.U.S.,

My Dear Sir and Brother,—

Yours of the 10th June, to hand, which would have been answered sooner, only we have been busy with the G.L. session, reports of which will be sent when printed. The G.L. is now having the most successful session ever held here since its institution, and many matters of vital importance to our permanent welfare has been inaugurated. Our G.L. has upheld the views re its constitution and charter, as expressed to you in mine of the 30th May. In yours of the above date you say in effect "that the preamble in our law book settles the question that the G.L. of New Zealand is subordinate to the G.L. of Australia." We fail to observe this, inasmuch as there is no subordination or reservation of any kind whatsoever mentioned therein. On the contrary, it appears that the G.L. of Victoria A.I.O.O.F. (afterwards the G.L. of Australia, I.O.O.F.) has given us an unconditional charter, without the least reservation on their part; and further, has created us an independent body for the Colony of New Zealand. This position is borne out by facts, as stated in mine of the 30th May—viz., "that since this charter was granted the G.L. of Victoria, A.I.O.O.F., (or G.L. of Australia, I.O.O.F.,) has never asked us for dues or reports of any kind whatsoever; whereas, previous to the charter being granted, we had and did send our returns and dues regularly."

Taking all your previous letters as a guide, the lodges in America who refused to receive our brothers on account of their withdrawal cards not being the same as yours, must have acted incorrectly, because it is not mentioned in the G.L.U.S. reservations that we have to use your withdrawal (or clearance) cards only.

With kind regards to yourself, and to our beloved order in America, of which I feel proud I have the pleasure to remain,

Fraternally yours,

Joseph Braithwaite, G.M.

P.S.—During my time as G.M., which has been two years, we have never had the A.T.P.W. I hear it has been the same experience during the terms of other G.Ms.