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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 29

Penalty on unlicensed person pretending to be an auctioneer

Penalty on unlicensed person pretending to be an auctioneer.

11. Any person not being a licensed auctioneer who shall have any words written painted or inscribed or which may have been written painted or inscribed and not thoroughly obliterated over on or about his house window or premises which shall lead to the belief or supposition that such person is an auctioneer or who shall place or cause to be placed any placard board writing matter or thing in the public view to the intent that it may be believed or supposed that such person is an auctioneer or page 6 that any article matter or thing or any real estate or interest therein is to be sold by auction by such person shall on conviction of any such offence forfeit a penalty of not less than twenty pounds nor more than one hundred pounds.