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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 37

Cultured Free Thought

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Cultured Free Thought.

The Index Association,

With offices at 90 St. Clair Street, Toledo, O., and 22 Vesey Street, New York City, has been organized with a Capital Stock of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of publishing Tracts, Books and

The Index,

A Weekly Paper devoted to Free and Rational Religion.

It is the object of The Index to give public utterance to the boldest, most cultivated and best matured thought of the age on all religious questions. The Index is edited by Francis E. Abbot, with the following list of Editorial Contributors:

O. B. Frothingham, of New York City.

Thomas W. Higginson, of Newport, R. I.

William J. Potter, of New Bedford, Mass.

Richard P. Hallowell, of Boston, Mass.

William H. Spencer, of Haverhill, Mass.

Mrs. E. D. Cheney, of Jamaica Plain, Mass.

Rev. Charles Voysey, of London, England.

Prof. Francis W. Newman, of Bristol, England.

Rev. Moncure D. Conway, of London, England.

Every Liberal should' subscribe for The Index, as the best popular exponent of Religious Liberalism.

Every Christian minister and every thinking church-member should subscribe for it, as the clearest, most candid and most scholarly expositor of the differences between Free Thought and Evangelical Christianity, and as the best means of becoming well informed of the arguments which the Church will have to meet in the future.-

Almost every number contains a discourse or leading article which alone is worth the price of one year's subscription.

Send $2.00 for one year, or 50 cents for three months on trial.


The Index,

Drawer 38, Toledo, Ohio.

pointing handThe series of "Index Tracts" (No. 1 to No. 10) will be sent postpaid on receipt of sixty cents. These include "Truths for the Times". (of which Mr. Charles Darwin, author of "The Origin of Species," says:—"I have now read 'Truths for the Times,' and I admire them from my inmost heart: and I agree to almost every word);" "Lecture on the Bible," by Rev. Charles Voyaey; "Christian Propagandism." by F. E. Abbot; "God in the "Constitution." by Rev. A. B. Bradford; "The Sabbath," by Parker Pillsbury; "The Present Heaven," by Rev. O. B. Frothingham; "The Christian Amendment," by F. E. Abbot. This series contains in the aggregate over two hundred pages of closely printed reading matter. Address The Index, 90 St. Clair street, Toledo,. Ohio.