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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 41

IV. Textile Fabrics, Clothing, and Accessories

IV. Textile Fabrics, Clothing, and Accessories.

Class 33.—Woollen Yarn and Fabrics.

21 Salig Ram, Amritsur.—Amritsur and Ludiana woollen fabrics.

Class 34.—Silk and Silk Fabrics.

22 Dulbag Rai, Bahawalpur.—Bahawalpur silks.

23 Toshakhana, Bahawalpur.—Bahawalpur silks.

24 Virbhan, Bahawalpur.—Bahawalpur silks.

25 Wall Mohamed, Bahawalpur.—Bahawalpur silks.

Class 35.—Shawls.

26 Davee Sahai, Amritsur.—Amritsur-made cashmere shawls.

Class 36.—Lace, Net, Embroidery, and Trimmings.

27 Cashmere Relief Workshop.—Cashmere silk embroidery.

28 Manick Chand, Delhi.—Gold embroidery.

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29 Mooti Ram, Delhi.—Gold embroidery.

30 Punjab Government.—Phulkaris silk embroidery.

31 Wall Mohamed, Lahore.—Gold embroidery.

Class 38.—Clothing for both Sexes.

32 Baden-Powell, B. H., Conservator of Forests.—Grass shoes.

33 Lula Gagur Mai.—Dark brown, light brown, and mouse-colour Putto cashmere suits.

Class 39.—Jewellery and Precious Stones.

34 Lula Soohag Chand, Delhi.—Gold and silver bracelets, brooch, lockets, necklaces, and belts.

35 Sadoo Ram, Amritsur.—Imitation jewellery—necklaccs, bracelets, armlets, bangles, rings, &c.