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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 41

II. Education and Instruction, Apparatus and Processes of the Liberal Arts

II. Education and Instruction, Apparatus and Processes of the Liberal Arts.

Class 6.—Education of Children, Primary Instruction, Instruction of Adults.

23 Hartley, J. A., Inspector-Gcneral of Schools.—Kindergarten-work, photographs, specimens needlework, ground-plan of Hindmarsh school.

Class 9.—Printing, Books.

24 Chamber of Manufactures, Adelaide.—Papers read before the Chamber.

25 Commissioners for South Australia, The—Various publications.

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26 Schomburgk, R., Director of Botanic Gardens, Adelaide.—Report and catalogue of plants in the Botanic Gardens.

27 Twopeny, R. E. N., Hackney.—Sketch of South Australia.

Class 10.—Stationery, Bookbinding, Painting and Drawing Materials.

28 Braddock & Sons, Manufacturing Chemists, Brompton.—Black printing inks (four varieties).

29 Cargeeg, G. H., News Agent, Adelaide.—Chromograph copying apparatus, for multiplying circulars, plans, &c.

30 Commissioners for South Australia, The.—Specimens of bookbinding.

31 Spiller, E., Government Printer, Adelaide.—Specimens of bookbinding, stationery, and letterpress.

32 Williams, J., Account Book Manufacturer, Adelaide.—Account-books in various bindings, specimens of embossing, lithography, &c.

Class 11.—General Application of the Arts of Drawing and Modelling.

33 Commissioners for South Australia, The.—Wax models of fruits grown in the colony.

34 Roach, T. W., Wood Carver, Adelaide.—(1) Pediment, for chiffonniere; (2) bracket, for clock; (3) shield, (4) carved bird.

Class 12.—Photographic Proofs and Apparatus.

35 Commissioners for South Australia, The.—Photographs of scenery, buildings, &c.

36 Dunn, J., & Co., Adelaide.—Photographs of Dunn's flour mills, property of exhibitors.

37 Hambridge, Miss H., Artist, Kensington.—Coloured photographs.

38 Niesche, C. F., Photographer, Adelaide.—Rembrandt photographs.

39 Sweet, s. W., Photographer, Adelaide.—Landscape photographic views.

40 Wright, A. E., Clerk, Adelaide.—Photograph of the Bank of South Australia.

Class 13.—Musical Instruments.

41 Robertson, J. N., Chowilla, Overland Corner.—Three colonial-made violins.

Class 16.—Maps, and Geographical and Cosmo-graphical Apparatus.

42 Commissioners for South Australia, The.—Statistical plans and diagrams, register, and sketch.

43 Goyder, G. W., Surveyor-General, Adelaide.—Slaps and plans.

43a Kelly, R. S., Adelaide.—Diagram, showing the rate of interest corresponding to the selling price of 4 per cent. £100 bonds.

44 Smith, C. W., City Engineer, Adelaide.—Portion plan of city of Adelaide, 80 feet to 1 inch, reduced by photo-lithography.