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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 41

Class 71.—Vegetables and Fruit

Class 71.—Vegetables and Fruit.

176 Commissioners for South Australia, The.—Field peas.

177 Ethell, J., Adelaide.—Aniseed grown wild on banks of River Torrens.

178 Hackett, E. & W., Seedsmen, Adelaide.—Peas, beans, &c.

179 Hardy, T., Vigneron, Bankside.—Raisins and Zantecurrants; dried figs, prunes, apricots, apples, almonds, and peas; preserved olives; marmalade.

180 Hay, Hon. A., Linden.—Raisins from 1879 vintage.

181 Robson, T. B., Fruit Dryer, Payneham.—(1) Muscatel raisins, in layers; (2) pudding raisins.

182 Schomburgk, R., Director Botanic Gardens, Adelaide.—Collection of fungi.