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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47

Experience of Practical Farmers in East Cascade Region

Experience of Practical Farmers in East Cascade Region.

I will mention now, in a rough diary fashion, the portions of this region that have been tested by practical farmers (see Map).

Leaving the already described settlements of Sumass and Chilliwhack (see p. 50), the immigrant may go to Hope, and thence start eastward. Nicolume valley thickly timbered; Sumallow valley, superior land. On the Skagit the lands are described as beautiful and fertile, though shut in; mountains capped with snow; the narrow valleys covered with the "finest bunch-grass that man ever saw;" good bottom-land along the Skagit, and along the little winding streams flowing into it, "fringed with verdure." Before reaching Princeton (1650 feet above sea-level) country becomes more open; bunch-grass; firs at intervals; light soil; good pasture; little arable land; a pastoral and mining district; hot in summer; sharp cold in winter; little snow on the general surface, but occasionally deep on the mountains between Princeton and Hope; periodically a severe winter; 1872 was one.

The entire country for 160 miles along the trail from Princeton, past Osoyoos, Rock Creek, and to the great prairie at the bend of Kettle River, is almost free from timber, and abounds in food for cattle; game abundant; delightful "camping out" weather, generally, almost up to November; gold indications everywhere. A trail somewhat over forty miles in length, branches off two miles below Princeton to the Okanagan Lake. There are many spots between the Similkameen Valley and Okanagan, specially favourable for page 63 farming. On some of these the snow never lies, however much may be around.