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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47



Grouse, of various kinds, are found almost everywhere in the island and mainland—in the thick fern near a tiny stream—perched on crab apple or young fir trees, or drumming on a pine top. Ordinary price of a grouse is 12½ cents (6d. English). Packs of prairie chickens in all the open valleys of the East Cascade region. Quails have been introduced, and are becoming numerous. Ptarmigan, on the high mountains—a stray cock of the plains (sage hen) occasionally about Osoyoos. Numerous wild geese—price 25 to 50 cents (1s. to 2s. English) each. Wild ducks, 25 to 37½ cents (1s. to 1s. English) a brace. Snipe and pigeons plentiful. The mouth of Fraser River a great resort of wild fowl. Capital sport.

Plumage birds very beautiful—song birds not remarkable.

Several harmless varieties of snakes. A few rattlesnakes in southern portion of East Cascade region.