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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 50

Chapter XVII.—Junior Scholarships

Chapter XVII.—Junior Scholarships.

I. The Junior Scholarships shall be open to candidates between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one years, who have page 71 not entered upon the University course, and shall be tenable for three years, unless otherwise herein provided.

II. Candidates for Junior Scholarships must state the schools at which they have been educated during the previous five years.

III. The Junior Scholarships shall be awarded at the Entrance examination for excellence in any number not exceeding five of the following subjects:—
5.German or Italian.
7.History and Geography.
8.Natural and Physical Science.

The time allowed for each paper set in these subjects shall be three hours.

The following shall be the papers set:—
(a)The Matriculation Paper.
(b)Translation at Sight From and Into Latin, and questions on history and antiquity.
(2.)Greek.—As in Latin.
(a)The Matriculation Paper.
(b)Paraphrase, illustration and explanation of passages selected from the works of any of the standard English writers; general questions on etymology, grammar, and the uses of words; also a short essay on some easily understood subject.
(a)The Matriculation Paper.
(b)Translation at Sight From and Into French, and questions on the literature of the age of Louis XIV.
page 72

German or Italian.—

German, as in French, substituting the literature of the age of Goethe and Schiller.

Italian, as in French, substituting the literature of the age of Leo X.

(a)Arithmetic (the whole subject) and Algebra, to quadratic equations, inclusive.
(b)Euclid, Books I., II., III., IV. and VI., and Plans Trigonometry, to solution of triangles, inclusive, with easy transformations and examples.
(7.)History ami Geography.—
(a)The Matriculation Paper on History.
(b)The Matriculation Paper on Geography.
(c)A Paper on Outlines of the History of England from the accession of Elizabeth, with especial reference to the colonies, and on Geography, political and physical.
(8.)Natural anil Physical Science.—Any two of the following:—
(a)Inorganic Chemistry.
(c)Sound and Light.
(e)Elementary Mechanics of Solids and Fluids.—Composition and resolution of statical forces; mechanical powers, ratio of the power to the weight in each; centre of gravity; laws of motion; laws of motion of falling bodies; hydrostatics.
(f)Botany.—1. The Morphology, Histology, Physiology, and Life History of:—Saccharomyces, Bacteria, Protococcus, Closterium, Spirogyra, Penicillium, Mucor, Saprolegnia, Peziza, Agaricus, a Fucoid, Nitella (or Ghara) Marchantia, a Moss, a Pern, Pinus, and the Bean Plant. 2. The general Morphology and Classification of Angiospermous flowering plants (with especial reference to the following page 73 natural orders):—Orchidæ, Liliaceæ, Graminæ, Polygoneæ, Scrophularineæ, Boragineæ, Ericaceæ, (including Epacrideæ), Compositæ, Rubiace, Umbelliferæ, Onagrariæ, Rosaceæ, Leguminosæ, Malvaceæ, Caryopliylleæ, Cruciferas and Ranunculaceæ; the modification of roots, stems, leaves, etc., to different purposes; parasitism; fertilisation of flowers, and modes of dispersion of seeds.

IV. The Junior ¡scholarships shall be awarded to those candidates who shall have obtained the highest aggregate of marks in any number not exceeding five of the subjects prescribed in Section III. of this Statute, and to such subjects the values given in the Schedule hereunto appended shall be assigned: Provided that for the purpose of awarding Junior Scholarships no marks shall be counted in any subject in which the candidate shall have obtained less than one-fifth of the value assigned to that subject.