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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 50

University of New Zealand. — Natural Science. — Geology, Mineralogy, and Palæontology. — Paper b

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University of New Zealand.

Natural Science.

Geology, Mineralogy, and Palæontology.

Paper b.

1.Give an account, with sketch-map, of the Isthmus of Auckland and its Extinct Volcanoes.
2.Tabulate the British Tertiary Rocks, with their foreign equivalents.
3.Give some account of the Geological Formations, in Britain and elsewhere, which are richest in Corals, Fishes, and Mammalia respectively.
4.Make a sketch-map and a section of a piece of ground with strata variously-inclined, broken, outlying, inlying, and overlapping; and indicate how far such conditions, as shown, are favourable or otherwise in vein-mining, bed-mining, and water-supply.page 2
5.Enumerate the chief Sandstones and Conglomerates of the Geological Series; state what they consist of, and what deductions you draw from their study as to the history of the Formations in which they occur.
6.Describe the following Rocks:—Dolerite, Lherzolite, Leptinite, Lydite, and Diorite, both macroscopically and microscopically.
7.Enumerate the mineral species of the Felspar family; and describe the most important.
8.What is meant by "Fluid Cavities" and allied phenomena in the substance of crystals? What deductions have been drawn from the study of their condition and contents?