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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 50

XV. Medical School. — (Founded 1845.) — Faculty

page 83

XV. Medical School.

(Founded 1845.)


Examiners for Medical Degrees.

page 84

Medical Class of 1882-3.

Name. Resides
Avery, Charles D. Missouri.
Blackburn, Churchill J. Missouri.
Browning, Charles Clifton Missouri.
Bush, Bejamin Franklin Missouri.
Coonce, George Washington Missouri.
Cottingham, Robert Curtis Missouri.
Edwards, John Michael Missouri.
Elder, Aaron R. Missouri.
Gillaspy, Rufus Missouri.
Halley, Charles Robert Lee Missouri.
Hume, Charles Missouri.
Lawhorn, George Washington Missouri.
McCluer, Claiborne Davis Missouri.
McGauhy, Andrew Jackson Indiana.
Moody, Edwin Montana [unclear: Te]
Moore, Charles Albion Missouri.
Morris, Christopher Columbus Indiana.
Morrow, Calvin Jenkins Missouri.
Norris, Wilford Alexander Missouri.
Nowierski, Bronislaw Jozef Missouri.
Reagan, Charles William Missouri.
Rollins, Jarrot Laban Missouri.
Sloan, Robert T. Missouri.
Stierberger, Charles Rudolph Missouri.
Williamson, Thomas Price Missouri.

Graduates of 1881-2.

A. C. Winn Columbia, Mo.
S. Alfro Gremp von Frendenstein Germany.
B. M. Sutton Bethany,Mo.
W. Kemble Benbow, Mo.
W. P. Wilcox Omaha, Mo
W. H. Lougeay Columbia, Mo
B. F. Wilson, Jr. Salisbury, Mo
Valedictorian—B. F. Wilson, Jr Salisbury, Mo

The twenty-first course of instruction will begin on the second Monday of [unclear: September,] 1883, and continue until the end of the college year, the first [unclear: Thursday] June, 1884.

The course is as full and complete as is given in any school in this [unclear: country] The introduction of the graded course, (Junior and Senior classes), requiring [unclear: hghf] (2) terms of nine (9) months each, gives the beginner (Junior) ample time for [unclear: fdgf] thorough investigation of the primary branches of Medicine before entering [unclear: up] page 85 the study of the higher; and also gives the Senior student the opportunity of visiting patients with the members of the Faculty, and reading other works than text-books, The Juniors are not advised to see patients, simply from the fact that they are not prepared to appreciate them; but the more advanced students, who are now able to discriminate between diseases, enjoy most excellent clinical advantages.

The clinical material is obtained from a population of from 1,000 to 1,500 of the poorer class of people of the city and county, who are willing and anxious to obtain the free advice and treatment of the Medical Faculty and students. The physicians of the city give valuable assistance by turning over their pauper patients to the school. Besides, the County Poor-house, to which the Faculty have free access, contains constantly from 50 to 60 inmates. A student is taken directly to the bedside of a patient and the case is placed under his special care.

Experience has demonstrated the practicability of the above plan for obtaining clinical material, and also that the association and relation of the student with the patient is so intimate, that what is not possible in hospital clinics, he becomes familiar with the peculiarities of family practice, which he is to meet in his professional life. The professor of Surgery requires every Senior student to perform on the cadaver, before the members of the clase, all the more common operations; and it is a fact, worthy of notice, that hardly a student has graduated from this school, who did not have under his charge during his senior year, a case of labor.

General Plan of Instruction.

Instruction in this school is given by lectures, recitations and clinical teaching.

It has been the custom of the Faculty for several years to invite, with the approval of the Local Board, gentlemen from a distance other than the Special Lectures, to visit the College and severally give a series of lectures on some medical subject, that each may select. This has proven to be a great assistance to the Faculty, and of marked benefit to the students. In accordance with this custom, Dr. F. J. Lutz, of St. Louis, Mo., gave a very excellent course of lectures on "Regional Surgery" during the session of 1882-3 and Dr. William Dickinson, of St. Louis, a course on diseases of the eye and its appendages, treating of it as follows:
(1).Anatomy of the eye and its appendages.
(2).Diseases of its component parts and treatment.
(3).Anomalies of refraction and accommodation and correction by appropriate glasses.
(4).The Ophthalmoscope and its uses.

It is expected that these gentlemen will continue their connection with the College.

It has occurred, in an instance of marked interest, that the Diploma of our Missouri University Medical School has been recognized by one of the leading German Universities after careful inquiry, and its holder was, without examination, honored as Doctor of Medicine.

The length of the session, Nine Months, renders it practicable to distribute the different branches among the teachers in the most satisfactory manner, and in their natural order and succession. The student is thoroughly drilled each day by examinations upon the lectures of the previous day, and by recitations from the text-books.

page 86

By this method of teaching, it is claimed that we avoid the process of [unclear: cramming] a deleterious practice, too prevalent in the general system of medical education, [unclear: We] believe that the proposed method of teaching will do more to elevate the standard medical education, and to exalt the dignity of the profession, than any other [unclear: means] that could be adopted. The high standing, throughout the country, of the [unclear: graduate] of the medical department of Virginia University, is sufficient evidence of the [unclear: value] of this method of teaching.

The duties of the school are so distributed as to allow of the study of [unclear: branch] which, while they are of vital importance to the well educated physician, are [unclear: allay] entirely ignored in many of the schools of this country.

Besides the ordinary instruction in Chemistry, a special course is given to [unclear: advanced] students in Toxicology, the material and appliances for teaching which, [unclear: ghghhgghf] not excelled by any institution in the United States.

The students are also taught the use of the microscope, both in relation to [unclear: path] logical and physiological studies. For instruction in this most important and [unclear: beautiful] subject, the students are arranged in classes of five each. Besides the [unclear: microscope] the Department has the benefit of two superior Magic Lanterns. For illustrating [unclear: lectures] with the above instruments, there are over 500 slides.

Among the advantages offered by this school, is the privilege granted [unclear: with] farther cost, to all students who enter the Medical Department, of pursuing [unclear: and] studies as they may desire in the academic course. Or academic students may [unclear: hhghh] Anatomy and Chemistry in the medical course, preparatory to entering on the [unclear: hghhhdsdff] medical course, after graduating in Arts and Science. Some students pursue [unclear: this] plan every year.

A full course of lectures is given on Medical Jurisprudence, to the [unclear: combine] classes in Law and Medicine. When necessary, for the more complete [unclear: understanding] of the subject, the lectures are illustrated by the use of accurate anatomical [unclear: models] and anatomical and physiological instruction is given, incidentally, for the [unclear: speech] benefit of the law students.

This department is equipped with models in clastic and papier mache, [unclear: plastec] casts, drawings and other appliances for the illustration of the lectures on [unclear: anatomy] surgery and physiology.

Among the many valuable preparations for demonstrating anatomy and [unclear: surgery] is Dr. Auzoux's Clastic Man, a complete and accurate model of the male [unclear: human] body. The figure is five feet ten inches in height, and is composed of [unclear: ninety-til] separate parts, which may be detached from one another. It exhibits over [unclear: hghjgh] thousand details of the viscera, muscles, nerves, blood-vessels, etc.; in short, all [unclear: the] is usually embraced in a complete treatise on anatomy.

Also, Auzoux's female pelvis, with the external organs of generation, the [unclear: luc] bar vertebrae, diaphram, muscles, aponeuroses of the perineum, vessels and [unclear: never]

Also, his collection illustrating ovology. These models are on an [unclear: enlarge] scale, and exhibit the modification of the ovum, envelopes and vitelline vesicle. [unclear: etc].

In addition to the above, are eight uteri, in clastic, containing the [unclear: products] conception at the first, second, third, fourth, eighth and ninth months, with [unclear: examples] of tubular and ovarian pregnancy.

Another model, to which we deem it proper to call special attention, is [unclear: the] Auzoux's synthetic model of the brain, which exhibits the structure of that [unclear: org] upon an immensely magnified scale. Designed in conformity with the new [unclear: anatomical] indications furnished by Dr. Luys. this model presents a resume of all the [unclear: meu] page 87 searches of ancient and modern anatomists. This entirely new method of studying the brain opens an immense field for the research of physicians and philosophers.

The models of the Eye and Ear are greatly enlarged and very accurate, showing the complete gross structure of these organs, as described by modern anatomists.

The preparation of the Head is most admirably executed. The bones are disarticulated, and mounted according to the method of Beauchene.

Besides these invaluable models and preparations, we have a complete set of the German anatomical models, in plastic, made at Leipsic.

No physician can truthfully claim to be cultivated in his profession who is ignorant of the history of its rise and progress, and of the grounds upon which rests its claims to rank among the sciences. Nor is any man thoroughly qualified to practice medicine, who is ignorant of the science of Psychology. The lectures on psychological medicine are illustrated by models and drawings, of the most accurate and artistic construction. An epitome of the Science of Psychology, in a course of twelve lectures, will be given to the class next year by Dr. Laws.

Practical Anatomy.

Every facility is afforded the student for the study of practical anatomy. Adequate provision is made for a supply of subjects amply sufficient for the number of students. The dissecting rooms are large and well ventilated, and will be open during the whole winter season, where, under the guidance of the Demonstrator, the student must, by dissection, acquire a practical knowledge of the human body in all its parts.

It is only at the dissecting table that its anatomy and its physiology can be understood. Hence, students who are applicants for graduation are required to perform all the principal operations on the cadaver, in the presence of the class, and to explain, minutely and accurately, the anatomy of the parts involved, each step of the operation, and the method of dressing.

President Laws has placed at the service of the Medical School, his rare lecture room helps, including a complete set of Marshall's Plates, large and small, last edition; the entire collection of over one hundred colored plates used by the late Dr. Crosby in his lectures and prepared at an expense of about #1,500; also, the plates of Hirschfeld, Rudinger and others, together with over 400 projections, etc., etc.

Instead of the customary oral examinations for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, a series of written examinations are held during the course by the different members of the Faculty; and the degree of M. D. is conferred upon such students as prove their fitness to receive it. These examinations are preliminary to the final examination by

The Board of Examiners.

This Board consists of Physicians, selected from different Medical Districts, who are eminent in their profession, and possess the confidence of their brethren and of the public, and who have no other relation to the school. Their appointment is for four years, and is made by the Curators of the University. They may be nominated by the different District Medical Societies, and their names sent to the Board of Curators for confirmation.

The duty of this Board consists in examining the candidates for the Degree of Doctor in Medicine, on all the branches embraced in the curriculum of the school.

page 88

They subject to examination all students whose names are presented by the [unclear: Medical] Faculty, as having attained, during the session, the requisite grade of [unclear: scholarship] It is by the decision of this Board, only, that the names of students are [unclear: presented] the general Faculty, and through it to the Board of Curators, as worthy to [unclear: receive] the Doctorate.

Candidates for graduation must have a standing of 85 per cent, in Anatomy [unclear: and] Physiology; of 60 in Chemistry, Toxicology and Pharmacy, and of 75 per cent. [unclear: in] all other studies.

It is the aim of this department to make its honors testimonials of merit, [unclear: and] not mere certificates of an attendance on a prescribed course of instruction.

Medical students are required to take a prescribed course in Analytical [unclear: Chemistry] under the direction of the Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology.

The next session will begin on the 2d Monday in September, 1883, the [unclear: Jun] to course will close the 1st Thursday in May, 1884, and the Senior course the 1st [unclear: Thursday] in June. The fee for tuition for the term of eight or nine months is $40.00; [unclear: for] demonstrator's ticket, $10.00: both are payable at the time of matriculation, and [unclear: required] of every student. No deductions are made, for students entering after the [unclear: beginning] of the session.

A preliminary examination in English is required of those students who [unclear: apply] for admission to the Senior class. The number of persons who can neither [unclear: speed] correctly nor write the English language grammatically, that are annually [unclear: graduate] from our medical and other schools, is astonishingly large. Such graduates are a [unclear: disgrace] to the profession and to the institutions granting them diplomas. The [unclear: fad] rests originally with the primary schools, but it is, doubtless, a graver fault [unclear: for] those who govern professional schools, to admit such uneducated persons to [unclear: their] classes.

All students, before entering the Senior class, must pass a satisfactory [unclear: examination] upon:
(1.)English Grammar (Harvey) and Orthography.
(2.)Rhetoric (Hart).
(3.)History of the United States (Swinton) and its Geography.
(4.)Arithmetic (the four fundamental rules, denominate numbers and common fractions.)

The students will be taught, during the session, the metric system of [unclear: weight] and measures, and the elements of Physics.

The metric system is now almost universally used, and it is of the most [unclear: vital in portance] that medical men should have a knowledge of it.

Any student who has a good common school education, ought to pass such [unclear: a] examination. As the course of instruction is arranged, all students are urged, [unclear: yhdgdfgf] their Junior year, to pursue, in the academic department, any of the above [unclear: branch] in which they may be deficient, or, if necessary, all of them, without extra cost. [unclear: The] after the Junior course has been completed, and they return to enter upon the [unclear: find] or Senior year, they should, with ease, be able to pass the preliminary [unclear: examination] in English. It will be observed that this examination is not required of [unclear: the] Juniors. A young man has, however, the privilege of having the [unclear: examination] whenever he thinks he is prepared for it, whether it is at the beginning or [unclear: end] the Junior year, or beginning of the Senior year.

These literary and scientific examinations are conducted by the Professors of [unclear: the] page 89 University having these subjects in charge, and the grade attained passes to the credit of the student on the books of the institution.

No student is allowed to attend both courses the same year. Before he is permitted to present himself before the Board of Examiners, he must either have attended two (2) courses of eight or nine months in this institution, or present tickets showing that he has attended at least one course in some regular reputable Medical College; and in any event must pass a satisfactory examination in the subjects embraced in the Junior course, previous to his entering the Senior class.

The following shows the studies of the two classes for the entire college year.

Junior Class.

Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Materia Medical, Medical Botany, Surgery, Physics, Metric System of Weights and Measures, Laboratory Work, Dissecting and Medical Jurisprudence.

Senior Class.

Anatomy, Toxicology. Surgery, Obstetrics, Practice of Medicine, Lectures by Special Professors, Laboratory Work, (optional), Dissecting and Medical Jurisprudence.

Text-Books, and Books of Reference.

  • AnatomyGray, Wilson, Leidy.
  • SurgeryAshurst, Gross, Erichsen.
  • PhysiologyDalton, Flint, Carpenter.
  • Principles and Practice of MedicineFlint, Niemeyer, Watson.
  • Materia MedicaBartliolow, Biddle, Farquharson.
  • ChemistryFownes.
  • ObstetricsSchrceder, Play fair.
  • Diseases of Women and ChildrenThomas, West, Smith.
  • HistologyFrey, Rindfleish's Pathological Histology.
  • PathologyVirchow, Paget, Gross.
  • ToxicologyTaylor.
  • OphthalmologyWells, Williams.
  • OtologyToynbee, Turnbull.
  • Medical JurisprudenceTaylor, Wharton and Stille.
  • Nervous DiseasesHammond, Reynolds.
  • Diseases of the Heart and LungsFlint, Loomis, Walsh.
  • Clinical Medicine—Trousseau, Graves, Bennett.

Every student should provide himself with a medical dictionary (Dunglison's is suggested). The text-books are designated by italics.

Requisites for Graduation.

1.The candidate must have completed and sustained a satisfactory examination upon the course prescribed in this school.
2.He must be twenty-one years of age, and exhibit to the Faculty satisfactory evidence of possessing a good character.page 90
3.His last course of lectures must have been attended in this Institution.
4.He must have been regular in attendance on lectures and recitation.
5.He must have pursued the study of practical anatomy, under the [unclear: supervise] of the Demonstrator, during his course of pupilage in this Institution.
6.He must notify the Dean of the Faculty, privately, on or before the first [unclear: week] of April, of his intention to become a candidate for graduation at the ensuing [unclear: Commencement].
7.He must write a thesis on some medical subject, of not less than fifteen [unclear: pages] The thesis may be in English, Latin, German or French. It must be of his [unclear: over] composition, and in his own hand-writing. It must be handed to the Dean before [unclear: the] first of may, accompanied with the Treasurer's receipt for the graduation fee of [unclear: ujjhjf]
8.Every candidate must appear before the members of the Faculty for [unclear: examination] on the various branches of medicine taught in this school, at the time [unclear: appointed] for such examinations, and before the Board of Examiners, at the hours appointed [unclear: by] the Board.
9.Violation of the general laws and rules established by the Curators and [unclear: the] Faculty for the government of the University, negligence of duties, habitual and [unclear: longed] absence from lectures and from the anatomical rooms, will prevent a [unclear: students] from obtaining a degree.
10.If a candidate is rejected his thesis and graduation fee will be returned to [unclear: his]

For flagrant violation of the rules and laws, established for the government of [unclear: the] University, a professional student may be expelled from the Institution. In [unclear: such] case, the fees on his entrance will not be returned to him.


The candidates for graduation must select, on or prior to April 8th of each [unclear: year] one of their number as valedictorian; in the event that they fail to select a [unclear: representative], the Medical Faculty may appoint as valedictorian, the gentleman having [unclear: the] highest course and examination standing.

Purchasing Text-Books.

All works used as text-books in the school, as well as books of reference, can [unclear: be] purchased here on as favorable terms as in any of the eastern cities.

For any further information, in relation to the school, address

J. G. Norwood, M. D.

, Dean Medical Faculty, Columbia, Mo. For catalogues, address,

Woodson Moss, M. D.

, Secretary Medical Faculty. Columbia, Mo.