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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 50

Board of Visitors

Board of Visitors.

Hon. Cyrus S. Brown Shelby county.
Col. Alexander F. Denny Randolph county.
Charles E. Leonard, Esq. Cooper county.
Hon. E. W. Fox St. Louis.

Sec. 16. Inasmuch as all trust funds committed to the management of the State are to be deemed a sacred deposit and to be vigilantly guarded from perversion, waste or wrongful use, it is provided that a Board of Visitors, to consist of five persons, three at least of whom shall be citizens eminent in the agricultural and mechanic arts, and not less than two graduates of the University, shall be appointed by the Governor. It shall be the duty of the visitors to make personal examination into the condition of the University, in all its departments, once at least each year, and report the result to the Governor, suggesting such improvements and recommendations as they may consider important,'which report shall be published with the annual report of the Curators. The visitors shall receive no per diem, but they, together with the Curators, shall have their actual expenses paid, and upon the certificate of the Secretary of the Board of Curators, the Auditor shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer of the State, who shall pay the same out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Act, February 24, 1870.

The visitorial power holds a conspicuous and important place in European universities and its faithful exercise with us would doubtless exert a wholesome influence.