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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 50

The President

The President.

The president shall be the chief executive officer of the University; he shall preside in the meetings of the general Faculty, and when present in those of special faculties, also at the Commencement and on other public occasions of the University.

It shall be his duty to be present at the meetings of the Board of Curators when required.

He shall see that the laws and regulations of the University, and the plans in relation thereto as adopted by the Board of Curators are faithfully executed; and that all rules or orders of the board for the general government of the University or any of its departments shall be fully carried into effect.

He shall, at each annual meeting of the Board of Curators, make a report, presenting the progress, condition and wants of the University, and recommend such measures as in his judgment will promote its interests.

He shall at the other meetings of the board, as may be required, or as he may deem expedient, make report touching the interests of the University, or any special matter pertaining thereto.

It shall be the duty of the president to superintend and direct the care and management of the Institution and its grounds.

He shall have power to grant leave of absence to students, or with the assent of the Faculty, to excuse from any particular class, and to transfer to a different class.

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He shall keep himself duly informed in regard to all departments of the University, its property and workings, and shall have the right to make such examinations and enquiries as may be necessary to furnish him full information.

He shall be present at daily prayers, or when necessarily absent, shall inform the oldest professor in commission, who shall in that case preside in the chapel.

He is in general terms charged with the superintendence of the interests of the University, with its good order and the maintenance of its reputation at home and abroad, and also with the general oversight of its property.