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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 57

[Copy.] Highfield, Waiau, 19th February, 1883. B. P. Bayly, Esq., Chief Inspector of Sheep, Blenheim

[Copy.] Highfield, Waiau,

B. P. Bayly,

Esq., Chief Inspector of Sheep, Blenheim.

Sir,—We wish to call your attention to a few facts re our Cloudy Range country.

You may not be aware that all the time Mr. Wharton has been interested in Highfield, now some six years, we have been afraid to stock our Cloudy Range country owing to our neighbour's sheep being so scabby. It is only now, that after going to a deal of expense in clearing all sheep off this country, fencing it, &c., that we have ventured to stock it.

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After incurring such expense and loss through not stocking the country for so many years, it seems to us very hard that we should have to run so much risk from our neighbour's, Mr. Gibson's, scabby sheep.

Considering that so much pressure was brought to bear upon Mr. Tinline four years ago to compel him to clean his sheep, it seems strange that Mr. Gibson, owning sheep in a portion of the same district, should still be allowed to remain a standing menace and source of terror not only to us, but to the whole of this distriet.

Your local inspector, Mr. Passau, can doubtless corroborate our statement re the present state of Mr. Gibson's sheep.

We have no wish to injure Mr. Gibson, but simply to point out that we are more particularly interested in this matter owing to our position, as of course if we get infected by Mr. Gibson's sheep, we have to bear the whole brunt of it, and also run the risk of infecting this clean portion of the district.—Yours faithfully,


Henry Wharton & Co.