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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 60



15. The Secretary shall keep all the minutes, accounts, and records of the Hospital, compile all reports, conduct the correspondence, attend all meetings, and bring all business before the same, carry out their resolutions, and perform all clerical duties that may be ordered by the Committee.

16. The Secretary shall convene all general meetings in each year, at such time and place as may be fixed by the Committee, by advertisement in the local paper, at least fourteen days previous to the meetings.

17. He shall convene special meetings of duly qualified subscribérs in the same manner, when directed by the Committee, or on the written application of twenty disqualified subscribers of at least £1 each; the object of such special meeting to be stated in the advertisement, and he shall also give special notice to each member of the Committee of such meetings, and also give notice by circular three clear days previous to all monthly meetings.

18. A Collector may be appointed to collect subscriptions and all moneys due to the Hospital, in all cases giving receipts for the same signed by the Hon. Treasurer and himself, and shall pay to the Hon. Treasurer at least once a month all moneys he may have received, and render an account of the same to the Committee.