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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 65

Rabbit Skins

Rabbit Skins.

There is an opening, I regret to say, for business enterprise to experienced furriers, in utilising some of the immense number of rabbit skins now annually exported, for there will be always a large number available every year whatever measure may be adopted to rid the colony from the rabbit pest. I have heard it said that the rabbits were rather an advantage to the colony than otherwise, in consequence of the employment they gave to men to assist in their destruction. But those who think so entirely overlook the fact that these men are not producers at all, that their labor is so much extra cost in the production of sheep and wool, which would have been produced without that labor to the great advantage and saving of the colony, and that their employment in other industries, whether in tilling the soil or in working on our extensive forests, would have assisted the extra productions, which is the only means by which the colony can attain to greatness.

I have not yet exhausted the catalogue of articles that can be produced from the raw materials which nature has abundantly Messed this colony with, but I fear to frespass further on your time under this head.