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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 66

Zinc Ores

Zinc Ores.

Zinc ore occurs at the Perseverance Mine, Collingwood, Nelson, and in small quantity in Tararua Creek, Thames, where it is found in white cement with auriferous veins. It contains 60 per cent, of metallic zinc, which is worth about .£15 per ton.

It is also found in the following localities:—

Zinc-blende and galena from Bedstead Gully, Collingwood.

Zinc as yellow or honey blende from Perseverance Mine, Collingwood, Nelson.

Zinc-blende with galena and pyrites, the former having about 4oz, of silver and the latter about 5oz. of gold per ton, Mount Rangitoto, Westland.