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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 68



The following remarks are for the guide shippers generally.

(a)Quality: From what we can [unclear: infer] appearance of the least injured of the [unclear: variments] from time to time received from [unclear: your] is manifest that a really high-class article is a rule, though in almost every case [unclear: coming] notice it was spoiled in the course of the voyage country through improper stowage in ship's ordinary cargo. Nothing need therefore be side this head except to ask snippers to keep up the of their manufacture to a regular standard if able.
(b)Condition: Fresh butter is so [unclear: peris] article that it had better not be shipped, [unclear: in] time at any rate. If butter containing [unclear: only] cent, of salt can be safely conveyed to [unclear: this] will probably he found to command a better [unclear: p] similar butter salted to the extent of 3 to [unclear: 4] though the latter is the safer article to [unclear: send] distance. Practical experience alone can [unclear: dec] is the better style to adopt, and to that [unclear: endments] should be carefully made at the [unclear: outs] ably the "2 to 3 per cent, of salt [unclear: product] realise 5s. to 10s. per cwt more than [unclear: the]" cent, of salt produce," if both were [unclear: made] same circumstances, shipped at the [unclear: same] landed in equally good order.
(c)Packages for ordinary purposes [unclear: should] of hard wood, hooped with wood or [unclear: galvar] and made to contain, net, 60lb. to 100lb. [unclear: eab] preference here for the smaller size.
(d)Time of arrival ought to be [unclear: during] months—say, September to March. [unclear: Arran] must be made to avoid arrivals during the [unclear: hot] months.
(e)Temperature During Voyage: [unclear: From] practical experience it is somewhat [unclear: uncert] degree of cold is best adapted for the [unclear: preser] butter shipped in your colony. If [unclear: frozen] meat, it arrives in good order, but quickly [unclear: tu] If carried with cheese at a temperature [unclear: rising] Fahr., it may not stand the voyage. The best is, probably, carrying in a temperature [unclear: two] degrees below freezing, but that may [unclear: pro] portionately costly. It may not be practicable special compartments for butter, as it is [unclear: des] split up a shipment between the [unclear: freezing] chamber to test results.
page 7

Prices: As regards the trade in casks or kegs, values actuate considerably as between summer and winter, and at certain periods (say May to August inclusive) [unclear: e] liable to severe depressions, in which all qualities [unclear: ffer] more or less. In the absence of supplies of colonial butter in good condition it is difficult to [unclear: timate] its probable value if sound, but possibly it [unclear: auld] take rank with Danish produce, if landed [unclear: here] a condition similar to that in which it was shipped, [unclear: uotations] for prime Danish butter in recent years [unclear: ave] ranged between 110s. and 130s. per cwt. during [unclear: ptembmer] to March, and between 70s. and 90s. per ewt. during May to August.

Charges in London would amount to about ½d [unclear: per] up to ½d per lb., according to price

Experiments: In conducting these, we must ask [unclear: ippers] to be most careful to see that their [unclear: intentions] to shipment are precisety carried into effect, as it [unclear: as] frequently happened in our experience that experimental shipments have failed entirely in their object owing to those in charge of steamers [unclear: neglecting] carry out the wishes of shippers. Please take [unclear: special] of this point in dealing with butter, cheese, &c. [unclear: uther], it is desirable that the various kinds of produce shipped, and the varying conditions under which they are shipped, be clearly set forth by special marks on each package, and also that we receive full advice thereof. We should also be advised of the various rates of freight (if paid in the colony) and the [unclear: lative] cost of the several descriptions, in order to [unclear: rive] at a reliable opinion as to their suitability for [unclear: e] Home market.