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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 70

The People's Power

The People's Power.

But the matter is in the hands of the people; Parliament is only a reflex of the people. We get served and represented as well as we deserve. The people are the real rulers, and it is only because they forget that, and are set one against the other, divided, inflamed, and distracted, that place-seekers can use them as tools or stepping stones. Men who have never done, and are not likely to do them-selves or their own kith and kin, any good, are those who most lavishly promise to do great things for their party if they be returned. They will promise almost anything and everything for their party; but they seldom dream of promising to do what is best for the Colony as a whole.

All that sort of thing could be remedied if a national sentiment prevailed, but so long as electors are content with those who can merely say" shibboleth," so long will class bias and interests predominate over patriotism and national progress. It only requires that a few earnest, fearless, able men should enter upon a crusade against political cant and humbug, and should educate the people in order to arouse the country. Sentiment can be stirred and educated into a conviction.