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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 70


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Brothers and Sisters the World Over,—

The only object of bringing before you these papers is to stimulate, to prompt, to encourage, to lead on, upwards higher, still higher, always having our aspirations above us. To illustrate what we mean, there is a very high mountain. Two men are at the bottom of this mountain They are about the same age; their height and all their appearances are the same. Their object is to climb the mountain. One takes a survey of the mountain. He goes round it to the left, saying, "I must search for a track, a there is no chance of climbing that rugged and slipped mountain unless I can find a track showing that someone has been up before I can attempt to climb it." Away he goes. Every step he takes there is an echo from his boots saying, "No I can't; I can't, I can't; no track, no mark No chance of climbing over there, I can't. No, no one can get up there," and so he goes round the mountain some asking what he is looking for. He says, "I am bring to find a way over this mountain. Have you seen any one go over it?" "No," is the reply." Then I shall not venture up unless someone has been up before me." Where is the other man? Why away up them "How did you get over there?" He answered, "I am here, listen." Do you not hear his boots squeak, saying try, try, try, try, try again. Yes, up, up he goes. We ask, "Are you not giddy?" "No; the more I gather the lighter they seem. The atmosphere up here is so light." Look, why, he has left an imprint of every idea he has gathered on the rock. "When are you coming down?" "Don't know; I am not full up yet." This is the state you and I are in. More than 75 per cent, say, "I can't There is no precedent. You can't do that. It is impossible The little word try, try again, if at once you don't [unclear: soaaj] try, try again. One says that shall be my motto, and mine, mine, mine.