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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 70

The World's indebtedness to Great Britain

page 43

The World's indebtedness to Great Britain.

In concluding we may be pardoned for referring to a matter which, though somewhat beyond the scope of our inquiry, is yet one of remarkable importance. It is the financial position towards the refit of the world which Great Britain holds to-day, and the position she will hold in another twenty-five or fifty years. It has been computed that already Great Britain has financial interests in the rest of the world to the extent of £2,000,000,000. At an average of 3½ per cent, this represents a yearly income of £70,000,000. This alone is a wonderful position, but the position is strengthening with every day that passes. What will it be in a quarter of a century? If the accelerated speed of recent years be continued, it may be that in that time Great Britain may have financiad interests in the rest of the world aggregating £5,000,000,000. What would such a state of affairs lead to? Is something in progress very much He the financial conquest of the world by Great Britain?


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