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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 70

(5) Scheelite

(5) Scheelite.

Scheelite, or tungstate of lime, is remarkable for its high specific gravity (5.9 to 6.076), and for this reason attracted the notice of the early diggers. It was discovered in Otago prior to 1865 in the Buckle Burn, Rees River, also at Wakatipu Lake and Waipori, and was determined by Dr. Hector. Mr. McKay subsequently found it in silu on the west side of the Richardson Mountains in a reef 4 feet wide with mispickel, and its occurrence at Reefton, Wakamarina Valley, and Havelock (Marlborough) is on record, as well as at Macraes, near Palmerston (Otago), whence a second shipment has just been sent to England, In reply to enquiries recently addressed to the Colonial Government by the page 48 Consul-General for Portugal, at Hanover, Prof. Ulrich, F.G.S., has reported that the demand is so intermittent that it does not pay to keep the mines at Lake Wakatipu open. Unfortunately no details of its export can be given as it is included in the published returns with other minerals, It is probable that ample supplies exist in the colony.