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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 71

What the Single Tax would do

What the Single Tax would do.

[unclear: We] had advertised some of the points which [unclear: the] claimed would result from the adoption of [unclear: e] single tax. These points were as follow: [unclear: The] single tax was the only reform which [unclear: ld] kill land speculation, prevent the [unclear: ation] of a class living upon ground rents, [unclear: ed] an equitable basis for land settlement, [unclear: atly] reduce Government interference, su-[unclear: ede] all existing taxes, and ensure to every-[unclear: e] the full produce of his industry. Before [unclear: ing] into these matters he would express the [unclear: e] that the audience would be as quiet as [unclear: sible], because he had strained his voice at [unclear: e] meeting on the previous evening, and he [unclear: ed] might not be able to get through [unclear: less] he received a tolerably quiet hearing. [unclear: plause].)