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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 71

The Upper and Nether Millstones

The Upper and Nether Millstones.

He therefore contended that, to repeat [unclear: a] simile he had previously used, the [unclear: wage] earners were being ground between the upper and nether millstones. It would be a relief to them to have these millstones separated-to have their taxes removed while their [unclear: wage] were increased by the increasing [unclear: competition] amongst employers to obtain their [unclear: service] So that the whole position would be reversed in a double sense. He had also spoken of the alternative of self-employment. The more people were in a position to go on to the land and utilise it, the more demand there would be for the stock, labour and implements they required. More of the net settlers would be removed from competition with wage-earners, and enabled to work [unclear: for] themselves.