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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 74

How to feed Fowls

How to feed Fowls.

Fowls must be fed regularly all the year round. In confinement they should be fed very sparingly. No more should be given at one time than they will eat eagerly, and none left about. If they have their freedom there will be less risk of over-feeding. Fowls on farms are usually underfed.

The food should never be thrown amongst mud. If clean ground or turf be not handy, troughs should be used. See that the weaker birds t some. As to the quantity to be given per head, it is almost impossible to give a cast-iron rule. When laying a hen will eat three times as much as when off laying, and breeds differ, some producing eggs on half the food that others will. The feeder's discretion must be the Bile. As to what it takes to keep fowls see under heading "Profits on Poultry,"