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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 74

Dunedin, 3rd October, 1st Mrs Isaac, Hillside

page 2

Mrs Isaac,


Dear Mrs. Isaac,—I have to acknowledge receipt, on [unclear: a] inst., of your letter of 17th September; also of yours [unclear: of] April, received at Honolulu, enclosing copy of your [unclear: p] entitled "A Cry of Distress."

I have hitherto declined to discuss with, you the [unclear: nume] travagant charges you make in your letters to me, which in this pamphlet, because it seemed to me inadvisable [unclear: to] while litigation was pending in reference to them, [unclear: an] because I failed to see that any good object could be [unclear: gui]


doing so, as no adjustment was possible which would [unclear: v=be]


factory to you and Mr. Isaac, even presuming there [unclear: w] ground for suggesting a liability on my part. But [unclear: beyon] the fact that the interests of others were involved [unclear: precl] idea of a settlement other thau one which would be [unclear: din] the Court.

In nearly all cases the statements you make are so [unclear: ma] misleading and exaggerated as to carry their own [unclear: refu] anyone who will take the trouble to go into the matter.

I will now, once for all, reply to your charges as far as [unclear: ir] taking into consideration that they refer to matters that [unclear: on] from 25 to 27 years ago. Part experience leads me [unclear: to]


that by doing so I will bring upon myself a flood of [unclear: f] representations and insults. It must, however, be [unclear: toi] that any further communication between us on this [unclear: subject] cease, and you must take your own course.
With regard to your assumption that I am solely [unclear: resp] all acts in connection with the dealings with the [unclear: Re] Estate, and that Mr. Isaac is in no way responsible, [unclear: I] point out that when Mr. Jones died I was only 21 year [unclear: of]


and that all the most important acts in connection [unclear: wi] Residuary Estate took place during the following two [unclear: ye] during which time I was in close association with my co-[unclear: Tr] more especially with Mr. Isaac, and it is not lkely that [unclear: in] age I was able or would have been allowed to manage [unclear: the] in defiance of the opinions of my co-Trustees or of [unclear: ou] advisers. On the contrary, it may rather be supposed [unclear: that] very largely influenced by those of my co-trustees who [unclear: to] most active interest in the estate, and that any mistakes would lie at their doors as much as at mine.
You charge me with having, in connection with this suit. [unclear: m] recklessly into Court and been afterwards as ready to [unclear: re] again. You say, "When you first instituted this [unclear: unn] suit," and yet, in another place, you say that by my [unclear: ac]


had been forced into Court in order to ascertain the [unclear: posi] Residue. Surely you have forgotten what really took [unclear: pla] is true that the Trustees made an appeal to the Court [unclear: in] urged thereto by Mr. Isaac and Dr. Eccles, with a view [unclear: to] rest the question whether the Trustees were right or [unclear: wr]