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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 77

Replies from Some Leading Divines in Britain and America. — I. — Reply of Principal Rainy, D.D.

Replies from Some Leading Divines in Britain and America.


Reply of Principal Rainy, D.D.,

New College, Edinburgh. 8 Rosebery Crescent, Edinburgh, Rev. P. B. Fraser.

My Dear Sir,—I received your communication, and I need not say that I read it with great interest. I have thought over it to some extent, all the more from hearing of corresponding movements in Australia.

It seems to me, however, that it would be unbecoming on my part to interfere with advice of mine in a matter which the New Zealand Church is well able to discuss, and will naturally settle for itself in the light of its own responsibilities.

I may venture to say, perhaps, that in all likelihood the difficulties in the way of any incorporating Union will prove to be serious. But a great deal would be done if the stage were reached of real friendly feeling, and readiness for frank consultation and concerted action.

Apart from theological difficulties, each denomination is so habituated to ways of its own, and these ways constitute so much of the strength of each Church, that one asks page 18 whether it would be wise to risk the friction that might arise from fusion. But prolonged co-operation might diminish that difficulty.

Beyond this I do not care at present to express any opinion.

Yours ever truly,

Robert Rainy.