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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 78

178—White-silk Tie

178—White-silk Tie.

Rate paid.—4½d. per dozen.

Remarks (173-178).—The Derby ties are sent with silk ready cut, the linings have to be cut to shape and fitted, then machined to silk. The tie is next folded in half lengthwise, and "slipped" along the turned edges. Six to eight can be done in an hour by a quick worker. The ties are then ironed, folded, and tied up into parcels of one dozen each. A coal fire or gas-ring has to be used constantly, and sometimes the work has to be sent in two or three times a day. Work sent out at 4 p.m. is wanted back at 10 a.m. next morning. The girl is some-times kept two or three hours waiting in the city. Tie work is trying to the sight. Worker finds own thread, and gas for ironing, &c.